Monday, October 26, 2015

Book Review: A Thousand Splendid Suns

Book: A Thousand Splendid Suns
Author: Khaled Hosseini
Publication: Bloomsbury, 2007
Khaled Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns is more an experience than a mere reading. A wonderful book which made me thirst for reading it. As I was reading the book, I eventually came across some science students. Out of five of them atleast three were acquainted with Hosseini's writings. What we hear in a biased way through the media, the author provides us honestly through his first hand experiences and lively characterisation. The book deals with the life of two women who endure the harsh pangs of patriarchy and fate.
"the book deals with hope and despair, joy and sorrow, young and old, men and women, the genuine and the hypocrites, the communists and the radicals making it whole and perfect"
The story is set mainly in Herat and Kabul.The story moves along the lives of two women. Mariam,the illegitimate daughter of a maid and her wealthy owner and Laila, a girl though born in a good family and educated is forced into situations against her dreams by fate. The Communist rule in Afghan , The Mujhahideens, Jihad and the advent of the Taliban set the background of the novel. To be brief, the novel focuses on life of women, education, terrorism and politics.
Moving to the characters, I should say that the characters have become one with my heart. They influence the reader with their realistic life situations,emotions and simple yet well tuned language.the characters bring joy and tears.
For both Mariam and Laila, life is a struggle against patrirchy and fate. For Mariam educaion passes away as a dream never pursued. She was eager to go school like her half-sisters . But she is married to an old man (Rasheed) at a very young age.She is ill treated, beaten till she bleeds and locked up it brings tears in the eyes of any reader when he thinks of her little dreams going unfulfilled.Laila on the other hand, though brilliant and educated also ends up marrying Rasheed.Both struggle together for freedom and joy.
The people in the novel who captivated my thoughts are, Mariam, who represents the voice of every woman whose yearnings for education and freedom  is suppressed. Laila( night beauty) who is a reformative figure in whom we find not only endurance but also cleverness, She is clever enough to distract Rasheed with blood from her hand and protect Tariq's baby in her. Mullah Faizullah shows us the true face of Islam among a group of hypocrites and radical terrorists. He is the one who taught me and cleared me of my prejudices about Islam. Finally, the baby Aziza who is carefree and innocent even amidst such political and family turmoil.
Daily we read about blasting of a bomb, suicide bombings,people killed and buildings destroyed. The novel can be felt, experienced and related to our life. Through the death of the family of Laila, the author points the consequences of one bomb. It can make a daughter orphan and a lover lonely. How many Lailas would a bomb make orphan? How many Tariq's woud it make legless? It made me think.
The narration and style is perfect.We find atleast two Farsi words every page.(eg)Didi-Sister, Harami-Bastard, Nikka-Wedding. The language is simple, yet they have life in them. Faizullah's words encourage us whereas Rasheed's words are disgusting and reflect his character.
As an average reader, I loved the book very much I anticipate to read The Kite Runner by the same author. My most favorite part of the novel is the reconciliation of Mariam and Laila. They begin to struggle together. Mariam has tears in her eyes when Aziza's tender hands reach out for her and want her.
"Mariam had never before been wanted like this.Love had never been declared to her so guilelessly, so unresrevedly. Aziza made Mariam want to weep"
  Some memorable lines to quote,
"I mean a real school, akhund sahib. Like in a classroom. Like my father's other kids"
"Each snowflake was a sigh heaved by an aggrieved somewhere in the world."
"Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always"
I strongly recommend this book A Thousand Splendid Suns for beginners who need grip and anticipation in their reading. The simple language, great characterisation and perfect plot is sure to draw one towards the book.My rating of the book based on its plot, characterisation, language is 9.5 out of 10

- Oswin Barnabas

II MA Crit. Theory