Monday, October 26, 2015

Book Review: Who will cry when you die

Book Name: Who will cry when you die?
Author: Robin Sharma
Year of Publication: 2003
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
ISBN: 81-7992-232-4
Number of Pages: 255
Language: English

The day when you cried and all others around you smiled is the day you were born”. Robin Sharma, a well known writer for his “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” has dedicated this book to the readers, his children, Colby and Blanca his teachers. The title of the book may give you deeper thoughts that at once start to arise as soon as you read it. I consider the title is a much apt title because it ironically tells us that we should live in such a way that the world cries for our death. As Sharma adds it to the title, this book is a series of life’s lessons that we one way or the other come across every day.

The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live.
-Norman Cousins

Sharma begins this book with the above quote which I personally believe to be the quote that summarizes the whole book. The 101 chapters of the book deal with 101 perspectives that we already know but we fail to hold in our day to day life. Today our lives have become so mechanical that we fail to understand the real meaning of life. I strongly believe in a quote,” Life isn’t about surviving it’s all about living”. In this book Sharma gives the readers a fair deal on how to begin a day and end it. 101 ways that life often knocks us down or we fail to understand its conceptual meaning. Sharma offers us many assertions that he as a representative of his readers has gone through and what he has learnt from all of them.
Sharma must have done a good research before authoring this book. Some of  the inspirations and motivational points given in this book are:-
1.      Writing down your daily experiences along with the lessons you have learnt from them will make you wiser with each passing day. 

2.       Daily write journal and the lessons you learnt in a day. A journal is not a diary. A diary is a place where you record events while a journal is a place where you analyze and evaluate them. 

3.       When you want to grow in a specific area, focus your entire energies in that only to acquire mastery.

4.       Weekly once spend your time with your family.

5.       To live your life to the fullest, start taking more risks and doing the things you fear.

6.       The greatest leader in this new economy will be the greatest thinkers.

7.       List all your problems on a piece of paper and burn the paper. It brings you some peace.

8.       The greatest gift you can give to your children is the gift of your time.

9.       You will never be able to eliminate a weakness you don’t even know about. The first step to eliminating a negative habit is to become aware of it. 

10.   The job of leadership today is not just to make money, it’s to make meaning.

11.   The problem with people is that they spend more time focusing on their weaknesses rather than developing their strengths.

12.  It takes about 21 days to develop a new habit.

13.   Help those who are less fortunate.

14.   The tree that has the most fruit is the tree that bends to the ground.

15.   You perform best when you meet tough people.


This is the most amazing book I have read till date. It has really brought about a radical change in my life. Making me realize how precious each day is in our life and how grateful we should be for all that we receive during the day. How down to earth one should be. Robin explains the importance of every second so beautifully that makes me feel as if he’s writing all about my life.
This book has helped me to cope up with the setbacks in my life and helped me to live life by looking at the brighter side of things. Every day I wake up, I remind myself to live like it’s my last day and thus my life which was earlier simply a white sheet of paper has now been covered with all the things I have to do before I die . And I hope I’ll add some meaning to my life this way. Because more than existing, I want to live.

     “Give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish you feed him for a Life time” -Chinese Proverb.

- Akil Raj. G

II MA Crit. Theory